2015년 2월 19일 목요일

Citizen Journalism is more trusted than broadsheet newspaper in Korea

For Session 3

South Korea's OhmyNews is an online news publication that relies extensively on members of the general public as citizen reporters and participants for contributions instead of professional journalists.  'OhmyNews has been remarkably successful and has become one of the most powerful news sites in its country' (Chung & Nah).
Interesting articles about its amateur lead publication of journalism include:
Chung, D. and Nah, S. (2014), 'Negotiating Journalistic Professionalism: A case study of OhmyNews in participatory media climate', Journalism Practice, 8(4): 390-406
Kim, EG. (2006), Capitulation to capital?: OhmyNews as alternative media, Media, Culture & Society, 28(4): 541-560.

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